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LDT300x - Week 6 Activity: Using a Simple Audio Resource to Create a Learning Activity

Week 6 of my LDT300x course on Digital Media, New Tools and Technology was, truth-be-told, an eye-opener for me. While the other modules of the course focused on creating digital media resources of different types, such as presentations and videos, to create engaging learning experiences for learners, this module made me realize that digital media of any form, if used appropriately, can be a part of an effective teaching strategy.

Week 6 focused on how simple media tools, such as audio files and podcasts can be used to create engaging learning experiences for learners. It talked about how certain elements of podcasts, talking about various topics, can be used to create authentic assessments and interesting activities.

In line with the concepts discussed that week, the activity for Week 6 was based on creating an Activity Plan using a Podcast already available on the internet, or created by us, on our own.

You can find my Activity Plan on How Daylight Saving Time Works here.

Let me know what you guys think of it!


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