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​Although I was one of the top students in my middle school, I really never felt that any teacher had a lasting positive impact on me. On the contrary, one of the worst learning experiences I have had in my life dates back to my middle school days. During my 8th grade, I encountered the worst teacher EVER... She was a lady teacher who used to teach us mathematics (which I think is information/content)... I learnt this topic as it was part of my curriculum... All the teacher did everyday was come to class, draw a straight line right down the middle of the chalkboard, and start writing... Whatever she wrote, we had to copy down quickly before she used up all the space on the board and started erasing the left-half of it... I think it was just rote-learning... That was the first time I ever failed in a subject... I developed a phobia towards mathematics and had to cope up with a lot of fear, ridicule and nervousness in the coming months... It was only in grade 9 that I joined a private coaching class for mathematics and overcame my fear towards the subject with the help of my awesome new teacher, Mr. Nair!! :)

My First Experience

My Second Experience

During my college days, I joined a part-time diploma course in computer science as I was interested in learning about programming and computers, and learnt C programming from a very good male teacher. (I think C programming is a skill...) This teacher would explain C programming in a way that made a lasting impact on me... I learnt that programming language really well, and found it so interesting that I used to finish all the programming questions he used to give us (and he used to give us quite a lot... I think I was the only one in class who finished them all)... Although I have now lost touch with that programming language in particular, but I feel that this teacher of mine has had a big contribution towards the logical understanding of programming that I have acquired... I have even taught the same logic to my students during my teaching days!!
While I was in my last job, I handled a lesson planning project wherein I had to manage the creation of lesson plans for different subjects (English, Science, Mathematics and Social Science) for a certain grade... Since I was in a small company I had to myself create the Science lesson plans and review the lesson plans for the other subjects as well... It was at that time that I learnt about different teaching strategies and good pedagogical approaches to use in the lesson plans... I hoped that learning about such strategies would help me deliver the best lesson plans I possibly could... I used the internet to learn and used to read a ton of articles and blogs and watch many videos... I would say that it was self taught, and that what I learnt would be information/content... Although I learnt all this myself, I think I built a pretty good foundation for myself. I know what I learnt and can use it in my work well, forever!
My Experience from Elementary/Middle School
My Experience from High School/College

My Third Experience

My Experience from a Professional/Formal (Non-school) Setting
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