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LDT200x - Week 6 Activity: Completing a Survey in Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

Week 6 of my LDT200x course on Instructional Design Models is almost drawing to a close, and I must say, my course is getting better by the week!

Image Courtesy: Source

This week, the module was on Instructional Systems Design (ISD). For this week's activity, learners were required to complete a survey where we had to answer a number of questions related to our experience in instructional design and about our own thoughts on Instructional Systems Design (ISD).

I think the ISD survey was very enlightening for me, personally. It was while answering the questions given in the survey that I realized how many misconceptions I had about the whole concept of ISD. I also realized that I am possibly an amateur as compared to most of the other participants in this course, who have years of instructional design experience in their kitty. However, the survey has also motivated me to keep working towards my goal and at least try to reach a part of the distance my colleagues have covered.

This module has, overall, given me a good understanding of how the process of instructional design varies for academic and corporate settings. As someone who is very much interested in creating my own e-learning courses for varied learners in the near future, this module has given me a good clarity on how my products should vary for different types of learners.

Overall, my LDT100x, LDT200x and LDT300x courses have helped me a learn a whole lot over the past few weeks, and I am extremely thankful!

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